Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

Here is Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

Why you Should Become an Entrepreneur

There are absolutely a group of people who are reading this, that are trying to decide whether to become an Entrepreneur or not.
Well, it is my Job to tell you that entrepreneurship isn't for every one, But I would still buttress this, that paraphrase from My Scriptures that says "Many are called but Few are Chosen" 
It all falls down to you to decide whether or not to become one.
 In this post I am going to share with you Five reasons you should become an Entrepreneur, Stating from the nature of our economy today, the world needs more entrepreneurs rather than Job Seekers, Believe me.

Entrepreneurship can lead to an amazing life, the life of freedom, an unlimited stream of income, then and  all that is needed is that you've got to make the decision, you've got to learn from your mistakes and you've got to give it a try. And you must be ready to take actions which has never been done before, you have to make it unique, I will explain that with the wordings of Donald Trump in the Book he co-authored with Robert Kiyosaki, "Why We Want You To Be Rich" he said "If you do only what you need to do to get by, then get by you will. But the end results will not be outstanding or exceptional. You have to do what others don't want to do..."

Yes with that statement, it shows you what entrepreneurship is like and how their mindset is like, they are no different from you, but the only cleavage is the way they think and approach things.
Instead of being employees, they chose to employ, instead of consuming they chose to produce, instead of watching more YouTube Videos, they focus on creating one,


Everyone of us spend more than average of our time in different form of work whether one that earns you or not, most of those of your redundant time could be used in doing things that earns you more income, whether active or passive income.

Here are Five Good Reasons I suggest you be an Entrepreneur:

1. The Opportunity to own Your Life and Future: 

If you are an employee, your chances of owning your financial future is really tiny, because you are always under the mercy of your boss or the company you work for, you have zero control of your Job, which means your boss has the power to Hire or Fire you, further more they decide what you do with your first 8 hrs in a day, they control how much you can earn, even down to your retirement they indirectly could decide how much you can earn as pension! 
Gone are the days for working for a corporation for years and retiring with a pension. Of course such ideas are obsolete in today's world economy. Entrepreneurship is the best option, for our present world economy.

2. No more Job Security: 

You may be thinking that your present Job is secured, but I can boldly tell you that your jobs are insecure, gone too are the days when you say that you are looking for a safe secured job, because even robots are after your Job.    

Such ideas are now useless, reason is that your Boss wants to earn more money and make more profit out of you, and maybe at the end your boss might congratulate you for your efforts, and be praised too for your actions towards making them rich and you being poor Indirectly, further more you could be called an Asset but I would tell you that when you look into the Company's balance sheet, you are a Big liability because when they pay you, money moves off their pocket! And what's the need of Hiring you whereas there are Robots that can even carryout the work without being tired and without even requesting for Vacations or Rest, without being paid too! You see, with this it saves the company from expenditure. Hence telling you that, you need to look for an alternate plan B source of income.


3. Freedom to Do what You Like With Your Time: 

 Time is one of our valuable asset, I see time as to mean Taking Important Movement Every day. Life is too short to waste our time, we would never get it back once it is gone, like my teacher would tell us in the class room when I was in High School, He would say "Today's date is the Last today's date in your life, you can never get it back, once gone it is gone."
 As regards to entrepreneurship, it give you the strength and momentum to Balance your time. You can decide to forgo work for a day for your family, any time at all, only if you are an entrepreneur because you are your own boss, but such flexibility can not be found in any Job anywhere, except you want to be fired or miss that months Salary!
However, your work has to fit into your life not your life fit into work!

4. Unlimited Earnings:

The next one is the power to unlimited possibility of income!
In your Job, there is a ceiling to the amount of money you are earning per month, there could be raises and Bonus, but that's not the rule, the rule is that your income is fixed, and that is determined by the company you worked for, and there could be possibilities that, you might fall prey to taxes, which also cuts the amount you earn, though specially for Government workers.

Then to tell you the truth, you might not earn a penny in your own business, but those who are into Business are self motivated, to build a Profitable Business and empire. Entrepreneurs are just like drivers who left the comfort of being a passenger to the comfort of Driving their path to Success!
There is no ceiling to the amount you can earn in a month being an entrepreneur because you can maximise output and make more money.

5. Chance to Leave a Financial Legacy

This part is less talked about, But to me, I seem to value this, because I never got a chance for that. 
That reminds me of a saying which goes this way; "if you never inherited being a Hero, just get off there with your sword and fight for that Hero's Crown" and pass it on!
Company like Ford have been passed from one generation to the other, and in the process has touched many lives, including their financial life. If  your business is started out with something you love and cherished its going to touch and change a lot of generations for good.
we are in a modern world, where we can build our business with the use of the Internet to touch a whole lot of people across the globe. But its not going to be easy as it might take time as what is needed of you also is your patience, determination and persistent efforts to make the dream come true!

However, you want to to make a leap to being an entrepreneur? , here are habits you would possess as an entrepreneur to help you get along and walk to your dreams.
I must tell you, it is not easy, but it is possible, Entrepreneurship is the key to unlimited earnings and freedom as regards financial success, Becoming an entrepreneur could be one of the greatest thing that could happen to you and one of the biggest surprise!


Why not consider, Being your own Boss? Are you choked as to where you should start and How you can make a move? Just comment Below! there are many opportunities for you!, only but your time and willingness to learn and take actions would project you to your dreams!

 N.B: Please if you find this post helpful, don't forget to hit the share button, there are many others that needs this post, to change there lives!


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