Jarrod Wilkins “You Are Good Enough” in Network Marketing ...

There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough, However, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison

“If you don’t believe in yourself why is anyone else going to believe in you and I would want you to understand this last statemnt before you fall to listening to the video

Nothing comes easily and it’s the struggle that gives us the right to succeed. I’m horrible when it comes to patience, although I’m getting better. I’m obsessed with having the answer right now and that’s why I forget how close I am to success.
Quitting almost always leaves you with regret about what might have happened. I find that when you see something through all the way to the end, you get the opportunity to know that there is nothing more you could have done.
If you let your regrets stack up over time, you will find that you start to feel very unfulfilled. There’s no better feeling than persisting, even when it seems like there is no reason to do so. Get comfortable we never giving up. Force yourself to pursue success in life at all costs.
